雅思口语 Part1考题:Being bored

1 tedious=boring  adj. 无聊的

She can't stand the tedious work anymore. 她再也受不了这种无聊的工作了。

2 mind-numbing adj. 令人麻木的

When she was doing the mind-numbing task, she just went nuts. 当她做这个令人麻木的工作的时候,她简直要发疯了。

3 absent-minded adj.心不在焉的

I'm often absent-minded when I listen to her class. 我每次在听她课程的时候都心不在焉的。

4 sink into a stupor 进入恍惚的状态

sank into a stupor as the teacher just droned on and on.老师单调的声音在那里讲啊讲啊,哈利进入了恍惚状态。

5 nod off against the wall 靠着墙打起了瞌睡

When I was listening to her class, I even nodded off against the wall. 当我在听她课的时候,我甚至靠着墙打起了瞌睡。

6 buzz with some questions 脑子里面嗡嗡嗡地想一些问题

I just sat in the classroom with my head buzzing with some questions .我坐在教室里,脑子里还嗡嗡地想着一些问题。(动作细节)

