Andi讲她的妈妈 #EachforEqual




Andi's hands-out equal pose










Slowly I found myself the type of person who is not very sensitive to gender equality stuff, especially when compared with the women at my age. I always feel that I have rarely encountered the cases when I was discriminated because of my gender (but it might be the case that my insensitivity made me overlooked a lot). This should be related to my own growing environment, and my mom is the one who has the biggest impact on me.

I remember she told me that she always thought that when she grows up, she would never become a 受气包 (passive receiver of blames) like my grandma. When I was a child, once she recalled a conversation between my grandma and herself, that story left deep impression in my memory.

My grandma is a traditional Chinese woman, obedient and diligent. Although my grandpa is very nice and filial to his parents, he has a bad temper. Sometimes he scolded my grandma, which made my grandma very upset and heart-broken. Once she cried and complained to my mom, hoped to receive some comfort from her lovely caring little daughter.

However, after listening to my grandma’s complaints, my iron-like mom replied directly: “Then you should divorce him.” My grandma had a very traditional concept, holding that divorce was too shameful for a woman. She was shocked by my mom’s response and did not dare to cry, saying, “Don’t be silly, I just want to talk to you and share my feeling, stop saying this nonsense!” Then she began to talk about the virtues of my grandpa. My mom told me she was puzzled at that time. Why her mom needed to tolerant this, she could never put up with this bad behaviour from her husband.

My mom is the oldest one in her family and has two younger brothers. However, she received the most attention from her parents. She was obedient, smart and was the top student at school. Even my bad-tempered grandpa had never scolded her, and my grandparents always supported her to receive education. She grew up with astrong self-awareness and confidence. Although she looks quite fragile, she is very strong.

Although she looks quite fragile, she is very strong, she will become very firm and tough when others show disrespect to her. She will declare her attitude and position directly, making it difficult to break her bottom line, which is superb.

Strength has nothing to do with gender or appearance, but to the heart.

Being strong is not about bullying, but about protecting.

This is one of the most important life lessons I have learned from my mom.

I love her. 

Hermione's feelings:



I have always feel the most kindness and acceptance from my emergency contact. The story is her "homework" after our discussion this Friday. Seeing the story she shares helps me confirm that: What kind of woman a girl would grow up into, the opinion she can have would have connection to her experience of gender limitation or not.

I sincerely hope more and more girls do not need to be sensitive of the gender issues, as their parents and people around her first consider she is a human being with all possibilities, not expecting or setting limits because of her gender.

