政观快递 | American Political Science Review No.1, 2020(上)

期刊简介:《美国政治学评论》(American Political Science Review)是美国政治学会(American Political Science Association)旗下最知名的季刊。自1906年创刊并由剑桥大学出版社出版以来,逐步成为政治学最具权威性的期刊之一。内容涉及政治学理论、美国政治、公共政策、公共管理、比较政治、国际关系等。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为3.895,在176种政治科学类期刊中位列第7位(7/176)。



1. 代议制民主——可辩护的知识精英制

2. 民主协商的形式理论

3. 有支持民主的情绪吗?民主支持的恒温观点

4. 柏拉图的厄洛斯神话和本性的重构

5. 什么是自生秩序?

6. 殖民时期印度的自治和民族性问题


题目:Representative Democracy as Defensible Epistocracy

作者:Dimitri Landa, 纽约大学政治学系副教授;Ryan Pevnick,纽约大学政治学系副教授


Epistocratic arrangements are widely rejected because there will be reasonable disagreement about which citizens count as epistemically superior and an epistemically superior subset of citizens may be biased in ways that undermine their ability to generate superior political outcomes. The upshot is supposed to be that systems of democratic government are preferable because they refuse to allow some citizens to rule over others. We show that this approach is doubly unsatisfactory: although representative democracy cannot be defended as a form of government that prevents some citizens from ruling over others, it can be defended as a special form of epistocracy. We demonstrate that well-designed representative democracies can, through treatment and selection mechanisms, bring forth an especially competent set of individuals to make public policy, even while circumventing the standard objections to epistocratic rule. This has implications for the justification of representative democracy and questions of institutional design.


题目:A Formal Theory of Democratic Deliberation

作者:Hun Chung,早稻田大学政治经济学院副教授;John Duggan,罗切斯特大学政治经济学教授

摘要:受社会选择理论中不可能定理的启发,许多民主理论家认为集体形式的民主无法为达成的集体决定提供充分的民主合法性。因此,民主理论家们已经将他们的注意力转向协商民主。根据协商民主理论,“当且仅当结果成为平等主体之间自由达成的合理协议的对象时,他们才具有民主合法性”(Cohen 1997a, 73)。然而,为民主协商提供一个形式理论的工作相对较少。本文通过提供一个关于三种不同的民主协商模式的形式理论来填补这一空白。这三种模式分别为:短浅的讨论、建设性讨论和辩论。作者发现短浅的讨论会导致长期结果的不确定性,但是建设性讨论和辩论的影响是决定性的。最后,与其他两种协商模式不同,不管最初状况如何,辩论都是一种独立路径,并且会产生一种独特的折中方案。

Inspired by impossibility theorems of social choice theory, many democratic theorists have argued that aggregative forms of democracy cannot lend full democratic justification for the collective decisions reached. Hence, democratic theorists have turned their attention to deliberative democracy, according to which “outcomes are democratically legitimate if and only if they could be the object of a free and reasoned agreement among equals” (Cohen 1997a, 73). However, relatively little work has been done to offer a formal theory of democratic deliberation. This article helps fill that gap by offering a formal theory of three different modes of democratic deliberation: myopic discussion, constructive discussion, and debate. We show that myopic discussion suffers from indeterminacy of long run outcomes, while constructive discussion and debate are conclusive. Finally, unlike the other two modes of deliberation, debate is path independent and converges to a unique compromise position, irrespective of the initial status quo.


题目:In the Mood for Democracy? Democratic Support as Thermostatic Opinion

作者:Christopher Claassen,格拉斯哥大学社会与政治学院高级讲师


Public support has long been thought crucial for the vitality and survival of democracy. Existing research has argued that democracy also creates its own demand: through early-years socialization and later-life learning, the presence of a democratic system coupled with the passage of time produces widespread public support for democracy. Using new panel measures of democratic mood varying over 135 countries and up to 30 years, this article finds little evidence for such a positive feedback effect of democracy on support. Instead, it demonstrates a negative thermostatic effect: increases in democracy depress democratic mood, while decreases cheer it. Moreover, it is increases in the liberal, counter-majoritarian aspects of democracy, not the majoritarian, electoral aspects that provoke this backlash from citizens. These novel results challenge existing research on support for democracy, but also reconcile this research with the literature on macro-opinion.


题目:Plato’s Myth of Er and the Reconfiguration of Nature

作者:Tae-Yeoun Keum,牛津大学基督教堂学院Christopher Tower青年研究员


Why did Plato conclude the Republic, arguably his most celebrated work of political theory, with the Myth of Er, an obscure story of indeterminate political-theoretical significance? This paper advances a novel reading of the Myth of Er that attends to the common plot that it shares with two earlier narrative interludes in the Republic. It suggests that Plato constructed the myth as an account of a search, akin to the sorting of potential philosopher-kings that underwrites the kallipolis’ educational curriculum, for natures that have successfully absorbed the cumulative effects of their philosophical upbringing. The model of nature presented in the myth, in turn, helps us approach the category of nature as a working concept: we can recognize contexts in which it is useful to assume in otherwise complex and fluid individuals a fixed, indelible nature, while granting that our sense of what that consists in is subject to revision.


题目:What Is Spontaneous Order?

作者:Daniel Luban, 牛津大学政治学系初级研究员


Due especially to the work of Friedrich Hayek, “spontaneous order” has become an influential concept in social theory. It seeks to explain how human practices and institutions emerge as unintended consequences of myriad individual actions, and points to the limits of rationalism and conscious design in social life. The political implications of spontaneous order theory explain both the enthusiasm and the skepticism it has elicited, but its basic mechanisms remain elusive and underexamined. This article teases out the internal logic of the concept, arguing that it can be taken to mean several different things. Some are forward-looking (defining it in terms of present-day functioning), whereas others are backward-looking (defining it in terms of historical origins). Yet none of these possibilities prove fully coherent or satisfactory, suggesting that spontaneous order cannot bear the analytical weight that has been placed on it.


题目:Self-Rule and the Problem of Peoplehood in Colonial India

作者:Nazmul S. Sultan,芝加哥大学政治学系博士候选人


This article theorizes the colonial problem of peoplehood that Indian anticolonial thinkers grappled with in their attempts to conceptualize self-rule, or swaraj. British colonial rule drew its legitimacy from a developmentalist conception of the colonized people as backward and disunited. The discourse of “underdeveloped” colonial peoplehood rendered the Indian people “unfit” for self-government, suspending their sovereignty to an indefinite future. The concept of swaraj would be born with the rejection of deferred colonial self-government. Yet the persistence of the developmentalist figuration of the people generated a crisis of sovereign authorization. The pre-Gandhian swaraj theorists would be faced with the not-yet claimable figure of the people at the very moment of disavowing the British claim to rule. Recovering this underappreciated pre-Gandhian history of the concept of swaraj and reinterpreting its Gandhian moment, this article offers a new reading of Gandhi's theory of moral self-rule. In so doing, it demonstrates how the history of swaraj helps trace the colonial career of popular sovereignty.





