
2021-06-28 06:25:03 来源: 一点艺术








      Vittorio Matteo Corcos维托里奥·马特奥科科斯,1859年10月4日出生于意大利的利沃诺。1870年就读于佛罗伦萨恩里科美术学院。1880年他移居巴黎,和一个法属艺术画廊签署了 15年的合约,专门创作市民日常生活中的女性肖像。





      Vittorio Matteo Corcos Vittorio Matteo Corcos, born in Livorno,




      Italy, on October 4,1859. Studied at the Enrico Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in 1870. In 1880 he moved to Paris and signed a 15 year contract with a French art gallery to create portraits of women in everyday life.


       From 1881 to 1886 he exhibited his work in salons before returning to Florence to marry an Italian girl, Emma CIBA tower.




      Vittorio was later introduced to the High Society of Florence, and his paintings were popular in cultural and aristocratic circles. Vittorio died in Florence, Italy, on November 8,1933, aged 74.







