🎬 这周我要探究"云端学校"与"云上学校"| 攒个大招✨

Title: ☁️ (Future) School in the cloud or on the cloud?



一个世界上最最棒的人跟我说不如读读看这个school on the cloud,粗心大意的我输入的时候变成了school in the cloud,结果竟然链接到了网站,而且让我想起来了那个“墙洞实验”(几乎是我最喜欢的TED教育类演讲并列第一诶)。

So fun fact I actually typed the wrong word when I was told to read some resources on "school on the cloud". Luckily, it connected me to a world I once found. Sugata Mitra's TED talk is on the list of my MUST watch TED education speech. I still remember the hole in the wall.





And before we start, let me acknowledge:

The translation are my interpretation on the original language, I may deliberately say something wrong to stop someone from copying me, or not.

So if it is for academic use, check the website.

They are in the cloud or on the cloud.


Mind the gap!

When I say fun, it is probably quite wired in your eyes.


2013年TED的年度大赏由教育研究者Sugata Mitra获得,他的年度愿望是:


So the school in the cloud was developed by Sugata Mitra and funded by TED, Newcastle University and Microsoft.

The education research's bold wishes is:

Help me design the School in the Cloud, a learning lab in India, where children can explore and learn from each other — using resources and mentoring from the cloud.

Night 73 of 365

Year 2017

Hermione MIAO


