


莱星博美廷城堡(Castello di Sammezzano)位于佛罗伦萨附近的一个遗弃的宫殿,建于17世纪初,并由一位西班牙贵族设计。在1889年城堡被翻新,之后就一直保持着它的无可复制的华丽面貌。这是一座东方主义的城堡,每一个房间都有不一样的风格但均有东方色彩。其内部为摩尔复兴建筑风格,还有复杂的图案和颜色,还有装饰的细节都非常显眼。一直到现在,城堡内的孔雀厅(Peacock Room )的天花板、拱顶和装饰的魅力却丝毫没有褪色。


Hidden away in the Tuscan hills of northern Italy, this beautiful Moorish castle was built in 1605, but for more than two decades, it’s been sitting empty. There are 365 rooms in the Castello di Sammezzano, one for every day of the year. The Moroccan-style palatial villa is a labyrinth of exquisitely tiled rooms, each one intricately unique. The castle was once a luxury hotel, restaurant, and bar, but closed its doors in the early 1990s. It wasn’t until 2013 that a local non-profit committee was founded to help raise awareness for increasingly decaying castle. There have no ownership of Sammezzano, but they help to arrange and promote rare public openings.


  1. palatial: adj. 宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的

  2. villa: n. 别墅;郊区住宅

  3. labyrinth: 迷宫

  4. exquisite: 精致的,优美的,高雅的

  5. tile:铺以瓷砖

  6. intricate: 复杂的,错综的

