
【小题1】When they were about to kill him, he begged them to _________________________ (对……表示怜悯)him. ( on )
【小题2】Simon _________________________ ( 屏住呼吸) and dived under the surface.   ( hold)
【小题3】We live in a world in which only the strongest can _________________________(成功到达)the top. ( it )
【小题4】Mr Brown _________________________(谋生)by selling newspapers when he was young. (live)
【小题5】We were sitting peacefully at dinner when _________________________(突然)the light went out. ( all )
【小题6】Whatever the weather is like tomorrow, our ship will ______________________ (启航去) Macao.  (set)
【小题7】This dictionary is _________________________ ( 5倍厚) as the one you borrowed from the library.  (thick)
【小题8】I could have come earlier but my car _________________________(抛锚了) on the road.  (break)
【小题9】 If you eat fast food once a week or more, you may _________________________( 上瘾 ) it. (addict)
【小题10】_________________________(无论他去哪儿), he carried a notebook around with him,in which he wrote down his ideas.   (go)

