






"I will have no self" is a great method of cultivation《Tao Te Ching chapter 39 sharing and connecting month blessing》 serial 06

In today's world, the vast majority of people despise the laws of nature. It seems that when we talk about "Tao", we take it for granted that it is nothing but spiritual nothingness - it has neither real power nor benefits to life. Therefore, it is difficult to have any desire to understand Tao. In the consensus of most people, we all think that if we want to get real benefits, we must fight for wisdom and courage, and do whatever we can, such as exchanging money, power, color, and force. Therefore, don't mention heaven and earth to me. Heaven and earth have nothing to do with me. There's no need to preach morality to me, and morality has nothing to do with me. For most people, where I can get the benefits, I will rush for them; where I can reduce the benefits, I will avoid them But if it goes on like this, the society will be in chaos, and eventually we will suffer from it.

Coincidence Dao is different from Get Dao, Coincidence Dao is in line with the law of Dao; Get Dao is to prove Dao already, and he himself is Dao. The way to get hold of one:

The first is to start with "Tao is borned, virtue is accumulated, material is formed, and potential is succeeded". By following the law of great way, we can improve the quality in doing things, from quantitative change to qualitative change, and upgrade the quality to divine virtue;

The second is to fulfill the destiny by giving full play to one's talent and taking on the mission;

The third is aware constantly, clean up constantly, practice constantly, through doing every little thing well, cultivate their own simple and kind. Once the practice is in place and the state of "getting the one" is reached, all your thoughts, words and deeds will be in the Tao.

Although our practice is for ourselves, with the deepening of practice, this "self" is no longer as simple as "individual". This "self" begins to expand into relatives, friends, colleagues, work, country, even the earth, universe The purpose of practice is to prove the truth of the natural road and to rectify itself with the natural Tao. This process is a process of constantly breaking the barrier of "me" and expanding the territory of "me". When the edge of "me" is completely shattered, that is the moment when we get great peace, great fullness and great freedom!



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