日课|英文短文English Passages for Beginners 19:​Lungs



What allows you to breathe in fresh air? What allows you to breathe out old air? What allows you to talk? The lungs!

You have two lungs. They take up most of your chest. Your ribs protect your lungs from getting hurt. You can feel your lungs if you put one hand on your chest and breathe deeply.

Your lungs grow big when you breathe in air. Then oxygen from the air goes into your blood. Your body needs oxygen in order to live.

When your body has used up the oxygen it needs, it must get rid of old air. This air is warm from being inside your body. Your lungs breathe it out and make room for new air.

Your lungs help you talk, too. The more air you breathe in, the louder and longer you can talk in one breath. Lungs are important for breathing, talking, and even singing!






  1. allow 使能够;促使

  2. breathe in 吸入

  3. breathe out 呼出

  4. lung 

  5. take up 占据;占用

  6. chest 胸部;胸膛

  7. rib 肋骨

  8. protect  保护;防护

  9. oxygen 氧气

  10. blood 血;血液

  11. use up 用完;耗尽

  12. get rid of 扔掉;丢弃;摆脱

  13. make room for 给…让出空地方

  14. important 重要的;有重大影响的

If you take a big breath of air, you can talk...
a. only a short time.
b. to animals.
c. loudly.
d. to your lungs.
Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!
