【英文诗歌会】The tree | 王迎春师生为你读诗

The tree

by Spring

Do you remember the tree which has witnessed our growth?

That day, you made a mistake,

I chatted with you under the tree,

You understood your fault and would start anew.

Another day, you invited me to the tree,

Taking out the award you got in the competition.

You jumped up high, trying to pick the flower on the top.

I knew you wanted to express to me your gratitude.

Do you know the tree which has witnessed the passage of time?

Many years later, you got your university admission letter.

The flowers on the tree were smiling like your happy face.

My heart was filled with the joy for your success.

Do you still remember the tree?

昆山国际学校 王迎春

There is a tree in front of the canteen in Kunshan International School. It has witnessed the development of the students year after year. With the passage of time, better education for all the students prevails.


Hi! I'm Alisa. I am studying in Class 6, Grade 3 at Kunshan International School. I like learning English. Spring is my favorite teacher. I  like her poems. Reading is great fun!

【英文诗歌会】The tree | 王迎春老师为你读诗

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