
The US, UK and France say their air forces and navies have conducted strikes on several sites in Syria, firing 105 missiles.


US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said the allies had taken "decisive action"against the Syrian government's "chemical weapons infrastructure".


The strikes took place at about 04:00 local time (01:00 GMT) on Saturday, a week after a suspected chemical attack on the then-rebel-held town of Douma, which opposition activists, medics and rescue workers say killed more than 40 people.


President Bashar al-Assad's government has denied ever using chemical weapons, and its key ally Russia says it has evidence the Douma incident was "staged".


The Syrian government insists its entire chemical arsenal was destroyed under a deal signed after an attack in 2013 that involved the nerve agent Sarin.


However, experts from the UN and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have ascribed four chemical attacks to the government since then, including a 2017 Sarin attack on rebel-held Khan Sheikhoun.

然而,联合国和禁止化学武器组织(OPCW)的专家们自那以来已经将四次化学攻击归咎于政府,其中包括2017年对反政府武装控制的Khan Sheikhoun地区进行沙林毒气攻击。

What was targeted?


The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, said warships and jets had fired missiles that hit and destroyed three targets "specifically associated with the Syrian regime's chemical weapons programme".


The warships were deployed in the Red Sea, the northern Gulf and the eastern Mediterranean Sea.


1. Barzeh research and development centre, Damascus


The branch of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) in the capital's northern Barzeh district was a "centre for the research, development, production and testing of chemical and biological warfare technology", Gen Dunford said.


Lt Gen Kenneth McKenzie, director of the US military's Joint Staff, said 76 missiles were fired at the facility - 57 Tomahawk cruise missiles and 19 joint air-to-surface stand-off missiles.

美国军方联合参谋部主任肯尼斯·麦肯齐(Kenneth McKenzie)表示,该设施发射了76枚导弹,包括57枚战斧巡航导弹和19枚联合空对地导弹。

"Initial assessments are that this target was destroyed. This is going to set the Syrian chemical weapons programme back for years," he said.


The Syrian state news agency reported that several missiles hit the SSRC facility, "destroying a building that included scientific laboratories and a training centre".


2. Him Shinshar chemical weapons storage site, west of Homs


Gen Dunford said the US believed this was "the primary location of Syrian Sarin and precursor production equipment".


Gen McKenzie said 22 missiles hit the facility - nine US Tomahawk missiles, eight British Storm Shadow missiles, and 5 naval cruise missiles and 2 SCALP cruise missiles launched by France.


3. Him Shinshar chemical weapons bunker, west of Homs


Gen Dunford said the facility, about 7km from the storage site, "contained both a chemical weapons equipment storage facility and an important command post".


Gen McKenzie said seven SCALP missiles were deployed and that the bunker facility was "successfully hit".


Were any missiles intercepted?


Gen McKenzie said initial indications were that the objectives were "accomplished without material interference from Syria".


The attacks on multiple axes by US, British and French warships and aircraft "were able to overwhelm the Syrian air defence system".


"We are confident that all of our missiles reached their targets. At the end of the strike mission, all of our aircraft safely returned to their bases."


Gen McKenzie said the US military assessed that more than 40 surface-to-air missiles were launched by Syrian government forces.


"Most of these launches occurred after the last impact of our strike was over," he noted, adding that it was likely most of the missiles were fired without guidance.





