
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson begins major political conference with a jog wearing a formal shirt and dress shoes

Bethany Dawson, Business Insider, October 3rd, 2021

作者:Bethany Dawson,《商业内幕》,2021年10月3日


Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson jogs in the morning before the annual Conservative Party conference in Manchester, Britain, October 3, 2021 TOBY MELVILLE/Reuters


  • Boris Johnson jogs on the morning of the 2021 Conservative Conference in a dress shirt and shoes

  • 鲍里斯·约翰逊在2021年保守党大会前穿着衬衫和正装鞋晨跑。

  • Boris Johnson has a habit of jogging in strange attire, including dress shirts, swim shorts, and skull and crossbones bandanas.

  • 鲍里斯·约翰逊历来有着穿着奇怪服装慢跑的习惯,包括礼服衬衫、游泳短裤、骷髅和交叉骨头巾。

  • Johnson fans cite his chaotic style and messy hair as a positive, describing him as 'eccentric' and 'flamboyant.'

  • 约翰逊的粉丝们认为他混乱的风格和凌乱的头发是一种积极的表现,称他“古怪”和“花哨”得可爱

It's the Conservative Party conference this week, where the British Prime Minister's party gathers to discuss critical issues facing the UK, including the gas shortage crisis, the brutal murder of Sarah Everard by police officer Wayne Couzens, tax hikes, healthcare, and more.


Boris Johnson, 57, is known to be a keen jogger and cyclist. He prepared for the politicking, culminating with his agenda-setting speech later in the week, with a run through the streets of Manchester, northwest England.


Many supporters of Johnson cite his chaotic style and messy hair as a reason for liking him, with those in favor describing him as 'eccentric' and 'flamboyant' according to YouGov data.  Those who had an unfavorable view said he was a 'buffoon' and a 'clown.'


He didn't disappoint in the latest photos. The prime minister was sporting Team GB running shorts, formal black leather laced shoes, black dress socks, and a smart white shirt.

—Jemima Sampson (@Jemima1989) October 3, 2021



It's not the first time Johnson has been seen in unusual attire. So much so that the Prime Minister was one of the most popular Halloween costumes in 2019.


One of his most memorable outfits was zip-up fleece and skull and crossbones bandana that he donned after losing his position as shadow arts minister in 2004.


The British prime minister also loves a pair of funky Bermuda shorts to exercise in.


Boris Johnson jogging in black Bermuda shorts at the 2017 Conservative conference


Johnson's wife, Carrie Johnson, has recently been using style to make a statement, too.


Mrs. Johnson, an environmentalist and conservationist, rented all her outfits for the recent G7 conference, raising the importance of sustainable fashion. Insider's Armani Syed covered the event.


