布莱斯·利斯顿(Bryce Liston),美国外光派具象现实主义画家作品

布莱斯·利斯顿(Bryce Liston),美国外光派具象现实主义画家。

全名:布莱斯·卡梅隆·利斯顿(Bryce Cameron Liston)。利斯顿的艺术灵感主要来自19世纪末,他将约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯、约翰·辛格·萨金特、华金·索罗拉·安德斯·佐恩和威廉·布格罗列为其最具影响力的作品之一。





Bryce Liston, American outsider realist painter.Name: Bryce Cameron Liston. Liston's artistic inspiration mainly came from the end of the 19th century. He listed John William Waterhouse, John Singer Sargent, Joaquin sorola Anders Zorn and William bugelow as one of his most influential works.

'As a painter, my career is to express the integrity and quality of art,' Liston said“ My goal is to return to the tradition of the past, while improving the standards of painting technology and training. By studying the great painters of the past, we painters of today can once again master the level of proficiency and create great works of art... The art of life '.

Liston was born in 1965 in fox County, Utah. When he was young, his mother began to study landscape painting in Utah. Later, Liston went to the University of Utah and Weber State University, but most of his studies were in the studio and foundry of sculptor Edward J. freudon.

Liston's works are exhibited in galleries all over the country, and he participates in many national and international exhibitions every year. And his works have won many famous awards, including the taffelberg award, honorary chairman award and southwest art Excellence Award. His works have been published in many magazines and book covers.

Litton is an iconic member of American oil painters and won the best performance award at OPA western region exhibition in 2008. In January 2009, he was also rated as one of the top ten most noteworthy artists by Southwest art magazine. His works of art have been published in many magazines and book covers.

