


A finger is amputated only if it remains painful or unhealed, or if it is a nuisance (i.e. the patient cannot bend it, straighten it or feel with it), and then only if repair is impossible or uneconomic.


In the finger-tip, the aim is a mobile digit covered by healthy skin with normal sensation. This can be achieved by local advancement flaps or neurovascular island flaps, or by bone shortening (‘terminalization’). A cross-finger flap is fairly straight forward and provides good skin cover, but sensation is limited and a flexion contracture can develop in the donor finger. The final choice depends on the patient’s requirements and the surgeon’s skill.

In the thumb every millimetre is worth preserving; even a stiff or deformed thumb is worth keeping.

The middle and ring fingers should not be amputated through the knuckle joint because cosmetically this is unsatisfactory and small objects will fall through the gap (‘incontinence of grip’). If the proximal phalanx can be left, the appearance is still abnormal but function is better. The extensor tendon must never be sutured to the flexor tendon; this will act as a tether on the common belly of flexor digitorum profundus and prevent the other digits from flexing fully (the ‘Quadriga effect’). If the middle phalanx is amputated distal to the flexor digitorum superficialis insertion, the profundus tendon continues to pull, but now through the lumbrical, making the proximal interphalangeal joint paradoxically extend rather than flex. This irritating anomaly is avoided by suturing the superficialis stump to the flexor sheath or by dividing the lumbrical.

For more proximal injuries, the entire finger with most of its metacarpal may be amputated; the hand is weakened but the appearance is usually satisfactory. If the middle ray is amputated through the metacarpal, the index finger may ‘scissor’ across it in flexion; this can be overcome by dividing the adjacent index metacarpal and transposing it to the stump of the middle metacarpal.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


nuisance /ˈnuːsns/n. 讨厌的人;损害;麻烦事;讨厌的东西

In the thumb every millimetre is worth preserving; even a stiff or deformed thumb is worth keeping.在拇指中,每一毫米都值得保存;即使是僵硬或变形的拇指也值得保留。

knuckle /ˈnʌkl/n. 关节;指关节;指节;膝关节;肘vi. 开始认真工作vt. 用指关节敲打

cosmetically/kɔz'metikli/adv. 从美容方面,通过化妆

small objects小物体

lumbrical, /'lʌmbrikəl/n. 蚓状肌adj. 蚓状肌的

paradoxically/ˌpærəˈdɑːksɪkli/adv. 自相矛盾地;似是而非地;反常地

irritating /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/adj. 刺激的;气人的;使愤怒的;烦人的,使人恼火的vt. 刺激;激怒;使烦恼;使发炎,使不适;使不耐烦;使(身体某部分)疼痛(irritate 的现在分词)








中指和无名指不应通过指关节截肢,因为从美容角度来看,这是不满意的,小物体会从缝隙中掉落(“握力失禁”)。如果能保留近端pha  lanx,外观仍不正常,但功能较好。伸肌肌腱决不能与屈肌腱缝合;这将作为趾深屈肌共同腹部的系带,并阻止其他手指完全屈曲(“四边形效应”)。如果中指骨在指浅屈肌止点的远端截肢,深肌腱继续牵拉,但现在穿过腰骶,使近端指间关节反常地延伸而不是弯曲。这种刺激性异常可通过将浅表残端缝合到屈肌鞘上或将腰背分开来避免。


