首发 | VGC罗伟 · 时空之翼


Fly over time-space  
Get the scenery to the wings
Yinchuan, there are endless memories.
It is carved on the rock paintings of Helan Mountain,
In the trade of the Silk Road,
Take off the desolate tulle,
Graceful and prosperous for nearly a thousand years.
Watch the red-headed gulls migrating freely from the North Tower, The colorful ripples of the sea reflect the arc of the sky,The deep earth stretches towards the sky,Recite the legend of "Wing Man" over the years.

Chapter 1




Like a layered texture of feathers,
Inherited the memory from the stars,

Therefore, the exploration of the sky has never stopped.

The enclosed surface is decomposed into a large number of linear geometries and through the latent order, the discrete surfaces are rearranged and combined like wings spread in the wind, stretching projection and perspective, giving a sense of space speed and a dynamic sense of time and space.
The interlaced linear elements cut abstract discontinuities, just like historical scars. The process of abstract reproduction is superimposed, extended, and interspersed on top of form and quality. The dynamic visual conflict reduces the physical sense of the space, and is light and seemingly like nothing. A spiritual experience of thickness and weightlessness.

Chapter 2

When we decide to fly,
There is no far beyond reach.


The distorted heterogeneous body is inserted into the whole, breaking the certainty of the traditional hexahedron. Pass through the twisted fragments of time in the wormhole and open up an unpredictable future.


The bionic structure shaped like a feather surrounds the planet, and the moment the sunlight passes through, it emits a deep and noble light. The cabin boat of life berths quietly, waiting to incubate the hope of the new century.

Chapter 3



Think of the moonlight all over the ground as the ocean,

Let the footprints remain on the sea.


The glass curtain wall winds and flows inside, allowing light, sight, and air to merge freely without obstruction, creating an elegant, atmospheric, pure, and precise high-tech space.

Introduce light in the white space, and life is reinfused. The huge cocoon-shaped shell descends, moving people's eyes from the sky to the world. The pioneers of the universe, who transcend everything, gather all the divinities and spirituality, carve civilization like ripples on the metal surface, introduce long-term silent thoughts into a new realm, and pay tribute to the courage and courage of the human soul.
Chapter 4



Time, hidden light in the shadows

Eternity, too short a moment that has just passed away


The space polyline dot paintings frame different spatial structures, either hearty and vigorous, or graceful and feminine. The flesh and bones of life in nature rely on linear language to convey creative interest.

A drop of water is a bay of lakes, this drop of water lake has countless water droplets, countless water droplets, countless lakes, countless lives spread out, sublimated into eternity in a flash.

Chapter 5

What if God is one of us?

Combining two-dimensional plane craftsmanship with three-dimensional space art processing, the construction of GRG module blocks realizes the special-shaped space interface form that is difficult to achieve by traditional means; the continuous breakthrough of computer technology, the addition of sound, light, and image, challenges people's new visual experience …What are the possibilities in the next second?


For thousands of years, we have been winged people. Staring at the light of the sky, flying towards it, in the time of desperately forgetting myself, in the void and whirling space, breakthroughs, nirvana, and lives are interconnected and agitated, and the beautiful and wild world reveals vitality.

| 前厅效果图
| 沙盘区效果图
| 洽谈区效果图


项目名称 | 中梁银川合能拾光印营销中心
项目业主 | 中梁控股集团
项目地点 | 宁夏银川
设计面积 | 650㎡
设计时间 | 2020年10月
建成时间 | 2021年4月
室内设计 | VGC韦高成设计
总设计师 | 罗伟
项目摄影 | 瀚墨视觉

VGC创始人兼总设计师 / 罗伟

罗伟,人文设计及谨程精绝的探索者,善于思考与践行,注重人与环境相互的关系 ;平衡于艺术与商业之间的取舍;作品自然而然、化繁为简,细腻温润、富有情感。


VGC 设 计 近 期 案 例




DINZHOME 近 期 热 文


时空裂缝 坠入未来


瓴 | 伶境巧生 居衍新格



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