
背景音乐:MONACA - 冰雨



China's fleet of high-speed trains is set once again to become the world's fastest.


China will once again hold the title for the world’s fastest train.


Six years after a fatal crash caused China to throttle back its high-speed rail service, the country is relaunching the world's fastest inter-city lines, including one between Beijing and Shanghai that cuts an hour off the current travel time.

The operating speed of the new bullet trains, known as "Fuxing," or "Rejuvenation," will be 217 mph, according to Chinese media.

ABC News:

After cutting back the speed of the Beijing to Shanghai bullet train following a deadly crash, China is set to again make it one of the world's fastest.

New generation trains will service the route starting next month, making the 1,250-kilometer (777-mile) journey from the capital to Shanghai in just 4 hours, 30 minutes. The latest trains were unveiled in June and have a top speed of 400 kilometers per hour (250 mph), according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

South China Morning Post/南华早报:

China will soon start official operation of the world’s fastest train service, knocking an hour off the 1,318km journey between Beijing and Shanghai.

China’s bullet trains have developed rapidly over the past decade since the opening of a service between Beijing and Tianjin in 2008.

fleet 车队;机队;舰队

high-speed train 高铁列车

bullet train 子弹头列车

fatal 致命的

throttle back 减速

operating speed 运营速度

testing speed 测试速度

rejuvenation 复兴

mph: miles per hour 每小时英里数

unveil 推出;揭幕;公布

service 服务;交通路线




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