



Ferris wheel设计了一个猫鼬家庭和他们的朋友的童话世界,每个主题单元用充满创造力、想象力和趣味性的故事导入语言知识、学科知识与核心素养,而故事情境又深深地扎根于孩子们日常的学习、生活场景,辅以朗朗上口的歌曲歌谣进一步强化目标语言和结构。所有的故事,都深深的扎根于现实环境。让我们一起来分析Ferris Wheel第2级别Fun with paint!的六个故事场景:


· Watch, understand and enjoy the story

Fun with paint!

· Make a prediction about the story

· Listen and identify the story frame

· Identify classroom objects used in the story


· backpack, crayons, glue, paints, paper, pencil, pencil case, scissors; colors


· Do you have (paper)?

· Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

· I have (red) paint.

Story frame 1

Narrator: It’s time for school. Dylan’s excited.

Dylan: Hurray! Hurray! It’s a school day!

Mommy: Yes, Dylan. Let’s get ready. Be good.

Mimi: Do you have your backpack, Dylan?

Dylan: Yes, I do.

Mimi: Do you have your pencil case?

Dylan: Yes, I do. And I have a pencil, crayons, scissors and glue.

Mommy: Now remember, Dylan. Be good.

Dylan: Yes, Mommy.

Story questions

· Is Dylan excited about school? (Yes)

· What does Dylan have? (Backpack/pencil case/pencil/crayons/scissors/glue)

Story frame 2

Mrs. Cat: Good morning, children.

Children: Good morning, Mrs. Cat.

Mrs. Cat: Today please paint a picture of your favorite place.

Children: Oooh! Hurray!

Dylan: Yippee!

Mrs. Cat: Do you have paper, Dylan?

Dylan: Yes, I do.

Mrs. Cat: Do you have paints?

Dylan: Yes, I do.

Mrs. Cat: Great. You can start!

Story questions

· Who is the teacher? (Mrs. Cat)

· Are the children going to draw? (No)

Story frame 3

Dylan: This is fun! Look, Mimi. I have red paint here. And I have blue paint there.

Mimi: Oh, Dylan. You have red and blue paint everywhere! Remember, be good.

Dylan: Yes, Mimi.

Story questions

· Is Dylan happy? (Yes)

· What color paint does Dylan have? (Red/blue)

Story frame 4

Dylan: And look, Mimi. I have yellow paint here. And I have green paint there.

Mimi: Oh, Dylan. You have yellow and green paint everywhere! Remember, be good.

Dylan: Yes, Mimi.

Story questions

· What color paint does Dylan have? (Green/yellow)

· Where is the paint? (Everywhere)

Story frame 5

Dylan: And look, Mimi. I have orange paint here. And I have pink paint there.

Mimi: Oh, Dylan. You have orange and pink paint everywhere! Remember, be good.

Dylan: Yes, Mimi.

Story questions

· What color paint does Dylan have? (Orange/pink)

· Is Mimi happy? (No)

Story frame 6

Mrs. Cat: OK, everyone. It’s time to stop. Show me your pictures, please. What a beautiful picture, Mimi. Well done!

Dylan: And look at my picture, Mrs. Cat. It’s the Ferris Wheel!

Mrs. Cat: Oh, it’s fantastic, Dylan! Now wash your hands, please. Good boy.

Dylan: You see, Mimi. I am good!

Mimi: Yes, Dylan, you are good. And your picture is fantastic too!

Story questions

· What is Dylan’s picture? (The Ferris Wheel)

· Is Dylan good? (Yes)

在Story这个环节教师可以通过互动白板课件灵活调用动画视频、对话音频、故事图片等教学资源满足教学需求。课程中每个Story还专门配有一首story song,帮助进一步强化和巩固目标语言的学习,对语言的输入和输出起到承上启下的作用。

The paint song

I have red paint here. (Point right)

I have blue paint there. (Point left)

I have red and blue paint everywhere.(Point left, right and gesture all around)

Red and blue paint. Yeah!(Point left, right and throw arms up for yeah)

I have yellow paint here.(Point right)

I have green paint there.(Point left)

I have yellow and green paint everywhere. (Point left, right and gesture all around)

Yellow and green paint. Yeah! (Point left, right and throw arms up for yeah)

I have orange paint here. (Point right)

I have pink paint there. (Point left)

I have orange and pink paint everywhere.(Point left, right and gesture all around)

Orange and pink paint. Yeah! (Point left, right and throw arms up for yeah)




· Ask and answer questions about what classroom objects you have

· Watch, understand and enjoy a video

· Identify classroom objects used in the video


· crayons, glue, paints, paper, pencil, pencil case, scissors


· Do you have (a pencil)? Yes. / No.

· I have (paper). I don’t have (scissors).

Uncle Dan: Hello, Sam. Hello, Anna.

Sam & Anna: Hello, Uncle Dan.

Uncle Dan: Look. I’m ready to do a picture!

Anna: Do you have paper?

Uncle Dan: Yes, I do.

Sam: Do you have a pencil case?

Uncle Dan: No, I don’t.

Anna: Do you have a pencil?

Uncle Dan: Yes, I do.

Sam: Do you have crayons?

Uncle Dan: Yes, I do.

Sam: Do you have paints?

Uncle Dan: Yes, I do. Look. I have paper. I have a pencil. I have crayons. I have paints. I’m ready to do a picture. Come on. Let's go!

国际幼儿英语教学大师Carol Read主编的Ferris Wheel完美融合了语言知识、核心素养、学科知识三大目标,并通过详尽的教案、丰富的音视频素材、精彩的活动资源库以及生动的互动白板课件,让幼儿英语教师能够轻松上手。



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