西游记英文版 Journey to the west(41)交易 A Trade

Little Fox出品


Journey to the west




西游记 41:
Journey to the West 41:
A Trade
After hearing the guard’s words, Wukong was angry. "Why can't you close the gate and dim the stars?"
The guard looked nervous. "I can do that only if I have permission from the Jade Emperor."
"I'm trying to save the Tang Monk!" cried Wukong. "A demon is planning to eat him."
"I'm sorry," said the guard. "But I can't help you."
Wukong's eyes became dark and angry. He pulled the iron bar out of his ear.
“我是要救唐僧!” 悟空叫道,“有个妖怪要吃了他。”
“我很抱歉。” 门将说,“我帮不了你。”
A messenger ran into the Cloud Palace and bowed. "Sun Wukong is at the southern gate of Heaven, Your Majesty. He's going to destroy Heaven if we don't do what he says."
The Jade Emperor slammed his fist down. "That rotten monkey! What does he want?"
"He wants us to close the gate and dim the stars," said the messenger.
"Why?" asked the emperor.
"He wants to pretend Heaven got sucked into a gourd," said the messenger.
“他想让我们关上天门,熄灭星辰。” 信使说。
“为什么?” 玉帝问。
“他想要制造出整个天庭被吸进净瓶里的假象。” 信使说。
The Jade Emperor looked confused. "Why does he want to do that?"
"He didn't say," said the messenger. "He just said he's trying to save the Tang Monk."
“他没说。” 信使说,“他只是说他是为了救唐僧。”
The Jade Emperor sighed. "You have my permission to close the gate and dim the stars. I don't want any more trouble from that monkey."
The messenger returned to the gate. "We will close the gate and dim the stars," he said.
信使返回了南天门。“我们会关上天门,熄灭星辰。” 他说。
"Good," said Wukong. He put the iron bar back in his ear. "Wait until I say 'Heaven.'"
Wukong returned to his body, which was still in disguise as a demon.
“太好了。” 悟空说。他把金箍棒放回了耳朵里。“等我说'天庭’,再行动。”
"Now I will call to Heaven," said Wukong to the demon. "All of heaven will get sucked into this gourd."
He held up the gourd. "Heaven!"
Right away the sky went dark.
"Amazing!" cried the demon. "All of Heaven is now in that gourd?"
“现在我要叫'天庭’了。” 悟空对小妖说,“整个天庭都会被吸进这个净瓶里的。”
“太神奇了!” 小妖叫道,“整个天庭现在都在那个净瓶里了吗?”
"Yes," said Wukong. "All the stars, planets, spirits, and gods are in here. Even the Cloud Palace is in here, with the Jade Emperor too! Now I will let Heaven back out." He held up the gourd. "Heaven, return!"
The sky lit up again.
“是的!” 悟空说,“所有星辰、星宿和神仙都在里面。凌霄宝殿也在这里,还有玉帝!现在,我要把天庭放出来了。” 他举起了净瓶说:“天庭,归位!”
"Fascinating!" said the demon. "Let's trade gourds!" He handed his gourd to Wukong.
Wukong gave the fake gourd to the demon. Then he made the real gourd tiny and hid it in his robe.
“太棒了!” 小妖说,“我们现在交换净瓶吧。” 他把自己的净瓶递给了悟空。
"I'll try to capture Heaven now," said the demon. He held up the gourd. "Heaven!"
Nothing happened.
"Heaven!" said the demon again. "Heaven! Heaven!" He looked at the gourd. "This gourd isn't working. What's wrong with it?"
“我现在要去收天庭了。” 小妖说。他高举着净瓶说:“天庭!”
“天庭!” 小妖又叫了一声,“天庭!天庭!” 他看着净瓶。“这净瓶没用啊!怎么回事?”
Wukong laughed and made the fake gourd disappear. Then he made himself invisible.
"I was tricked!" cried the demon. "I must tell Golden Horn."
The demon ran off, and Wukong followed. Soon the road went up a mountain. The demon ran into a cave.
“我被骗了!” 小妖叫道,“我得告诉金角大王。”
Wukong made himself visible and stormed into the cave. Looking around at the group of demons, he pulled out his iron bar.
"Return my friends at once!" he shouted. "Or I'll clobber all of you!"
"Ahh!" cried the small demons. They ran in every direction, tripping over one another.
“立刻把我的朋友们还回来。” 悟空叫道,“否则,我就打你们!”
“啊!” 小妖们大叫着向四处逃跑,互相绊倒。
Wukong swung his iron bar at Golden Horn. The demon stepped out of the way and pulled a golden rope from his sleeve. He swung the rope, and it shot toward Wukong.
Wukong tried to get out of the way, but the rope snagged him.
It looped around his waist. The more Wukong tried to wriggle free, the tighter the rope got.
Golden Horn laughed. "You'll never escape the golden rope. Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!"

1. dim 1. 变模糊, (2. 模糊的, 朦胧的)
Why can't you close the gate and dim the stars?

2. permission 允许, 许可, 同意
I can do that only if I have permission from the Jade Emperor.

3. slam 1. 砰地放下, (2. 砰然关上(门))
The Jade Emperor slammed his fist down.

4. fist 拳头
The Jade Emperor slammed his fist down.

5. rotten 糟糕的
That rotten monkey!

6. disguise 变装, 伪装
Wukong returned to his body, which was still in disguise as a demon.

7. demon 魔⿁, 恶魔
A demon is planning to eat him.

8. planet ⾏星(围着太阳转的星星)
All the stars, planets, spirits, and gods are in here.

9. fascinating 迷⼈的, 极好的

10. trade 交换
Let's trade gourds!

11. invisible ⽆形的, 隐形的
Then he made himself invisible.

12. at once. 马上, (2. 同时)
Return my friends at once!

13. clobber 痛打
Or I'll clobber all of you!

14. direction ⽅向
They ran in every direction, tripping over one another.

15. trip 绊, 绊倒
They ran in every direction, tripping over one another.

16. one another 彼此, 互相
They ran in every direction, tripping over one another.

17. sleeve (⾐服的)袖⼦
The demon stepped out of the way and pulled a golden rope from his sleeve.

18. snag 迅速抓到
The monkey tried to get out of the way, but the rope snagged him.

19. loop 1. (把绳索等)打成环, 使成圈, (2. 圈, 环)
It looped around his waist.

20. waist
It looped around his waist.

21. wriggle 蠕动, 扭动
The more Wukong tried to wriggle free, the tighter the rope got.

22. dine 进餐, ⽤餐
Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!


1. Which is true?
A. Wukong tricked the demon.
B. Golden Horn had an iron bar.
C. Wukong broke the gourd.

2. What did the Jade Emperor agree to do?
A. close the gate and dim the stars
B. put Heaven inside the gourd
C. find Golden Horn's cave

3. What did Wukong and the demon trade?
A. gourds
B. iron bars
C. ropes

4. Whom did the demon have to warn?
A. Golden Horn
B. the Jade Emperor
C. the Tang Monk

5. What happened when Wukong tried to wriggle free?
A. The rope got tighter.
B. The rope got looser.
C. The rope broke.



(36)悟空的骗局 Wukong’s Trick
(37)从天庭逃走的奎木狼 Missing from Heaven
(38)八戒想睡觉 Bajie Wants to Sleep
(39)受伤的和尚 The Injured Monk
(40)魔法净瓶 The Magic Gourd
(41)交易 A Trade

(42)孙空悟 Sun Kongwu

(43)太上老君来访 A Visit from Laozi

(44)国王的鬼魂 The King's Ghost

(45)井里的“宝藏” The Treasure in the Well

(46)一千颗药丸 One Thousand Pills

(47)两个唐僧 Two Tang Monks

(48)受伤的男孩儿 The Injured Boy

(49)红孩儿 Red Boy

(50)三昧真火 Magic Fire

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