西游记英文版 Journey to the west(39)受伤的和尚 The Injured Monk

Little Fox出品


Journey to the west




西游记 39:
Journey to the West 39:
The Injured Monk
Bajie waved his rake at the demon Golden Horn. "You'll never harm the Tang Monk!" shouted Bajie. "My rake is very powerful!"
Bajie rushed toward Golden Horn. But the demon was strong. Bajie was knocked out. When he woke up, he was tied up in a dark cave.
八戒朝金角大王挥舞着钉耙。“你绝对不可能伤害到唐僧!” 八戒大叫,“我的钉耙非常厉害!”
"Bajie has been gone for a while," said the Tang Monk. "I hope he's okay."
Wukong frowned. "He probably went back to sleep. I should have followed him again."
“八戒去了好久。” 唐僧说,“希望他没出什么事。”
"Let's keep walking," said Wujing. "We'll find Bajie along the way."
"We must stay alert though," said Wukong. "We still don't know if there are any demons on this mountain."
The group headed up the mountain. Soon they heard a voice.
"Help me!" cried a man.
“我们还是继续走吧!” 悟净说,“我们会在路上找到八戒的。”
“我们得小心点儿。” 悟空说,“我们还不知道山上有没有妖怪。”
“救命!” 一个男人喊道。
"Someone is in trouble," said the Tang Monk.
They hurried ahead and found an old monk lying near the road.
"Thank goodness!" cried the old monk. "Please help me."
“有人需要帮助。” 唐僧说。
“谢天谢地!” 老和尚说道,“请帮帮我。”
The Tang Monk got down from his horse. "Of course we will help you," he said. "Please stand up."
"I can't," said the old man. "My leg is injured. It hurts terribly." He started to cry. "How will I ever get back home?"
唐僧从马上下来。“我们一定会帮你。” 他说,“请起来吧。”
“我起不来了。” 老和尚说,“我的腿受伤了,非常疼。” 他开始哭。“我怎么回家啊?”
"Please don't cry," said the Tang Monk. "We will help you. How did your leg get hurt?"
"A tiger attacked me," said the old monk.
Wukong looked suspiciously at the man.
“不要哭。” 唐僧说,“我们会帮你的。你的腿是怎么受伤的?”
“有只老虎袭击了我。” 老和尚说。
"He isn't really a monk," he thought. "I'm sure he wants to harm Master. But I can't tell Master that—he won't believe me."
"Wukong," said the Tang Monk. "Please carry this poor monk down the mountain."
Wukong walked over and picked up the old monk.
“他不是真的和尚。” 他想,“他肯定想要伤害师父。但我不能告诉师父,他不会相信我的。”
“悟空。” 唐僧说,“你抱着这位可怜的老和尚下山吧。”
"Ouch!" cried the monk.
"Be careful, Wukong," said the Tang Monk. "His leg is hurt badly."
The group continued along the road. Wukong carried the injured monk. He walked slowly, letting the Tang Monk and Wujing go ahead.
“啊!” 老和尚大叫。
“小心点,悟空。” 唐僧说,“他的腿伤得很重。”
"I know you're really a demon," Wukong whispered. "And I know you want to eat the Tang Monk."
"I don't know what you're talking about," said the monk. "I'm just a simple monk who was attacked by a tiger."
“我知道你是个妖怪。” 悟空低声说,“我也知道你想要吃了唐僧。”
“我不知道你在说什么。” 老和尚说,“我只是个和尚。老虎袭击了我。”
Wukong laughed. "Do you know who I am? I am Sun Wukong. Heaven's entire army couldn't defeat me. You're going to wish you'd never tried to harm the Tang Monk."
As Wukong talked, he felt a heavy weight pressing down on him.
He glanced up and realized an entire mountain was balanced on top of his head.
Wukong laughed again. "So you're going to use magic tricks to trap me under a mountain? Well, let me tell you—Buddha himself once trapped me under a mountain. And I was able to lift it."
Wukong felt more weight. Now he had two mountains on top of him. He walked more slowly.
"This still isn't enough weight to stop me," he said. "Now that the Tang Monk isn't around, I should clobber you with my iron bar."
“这重量还是无法阻止我。” 他说,“现在,唐僧不在旁边,我要用我的金箍棒打你。”
Suddenly the old monk vanished. A third mountain pressed down. Wukong’s knees buckled. The three mountains crashed down at the same time. Wukong was trapped.
The old monk appeared again.
A light flashed by and he changed back into a demon.
Golden Horn laughed with delight. "Wukong was the most powerful of these travelers. It will be easy to defeat Wujing. Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!"

1. wave 挥动, 挥⼿⽰意(或致意)
Bajie waved his rake at the demon Golden Horn.

2. rush 冲, 奔
Bajie rushed toward Golden Horn.

3. alert 1. 机敏的, 灵活的, (2. 使警觉, 使注意)
We must stay alert though.

4. stay alert 保持警惕
We must stay alert though.

5. though 可是, 然⽽(⽤于句尾)
We must stay alert though.

6. Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!幸亏!

7. injure 伤害, 使...受伤
My leg is injured.

8. terribly ⾮常地, 极度地
It hurts terribly.

9. suspiciously 怀疑地, 猜疑地
Wukong looked suspiciously at the man.

10. badly 1. 极度地, 严重地, (2. 坏地)
His leg is hurt badly.

11. ahead 在前, 向前
He and his companions hurried ahead and found an old monk lying near the road.

12. simple 1. 简单的, 单纯的, (2. ⽆装饰的, 朴素的)
I'm just a simple monk who was attacked by a tiger.

13. entire 整个的, 全部的
Heaven's entire army couldn't defeat me.

14. heavy 重的
As Wukong talked, he felt a heavy weight pressing down on him.

15. weight 重量, 体重
As Wukong talked, he felt a heavy weight pressing down on him.

16. press 按, 压
As Wukong talked, he felt a heavy weight pressing down on him.

17. trap 困(在危险的场所或困境)
So you're going to use magic tricks to trap me under a mountain?

18. lift 举起
And I was able to lift it.

19. buckle 1. (脚的⼒量)松掉, 软掉, (2. 扣扣⼦)
Wukong's knees buckled, and all three mountains crashed down on top of him.

20. crash 碰撞, 坠毁
Wukong's knees buckled, and all three mountains crashed down on top of him.

21. delight ⾼兴, 快乐
Golden Horn laughed with delight.

22. dine 进餐, ⽤餐
Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!

23. dine on (尤指昂贵的⾷物)当正餐
Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!


1. Which is true?
A. Wukong knew the old man was a demon.
B. A tiger injured the Tang Monk's leg.
C. Wujing carried the old man.

2. Where did Bajie wake up?
A. in a cave
B. near the road
C. under a mountain

3. Who cried for help?
A. an old man
B. Bajie
C. Wukong

4. Who carried the old man?
A. Wukong
B. Bajie
C. Wujing

5. How many mountains were put on top of Wukong?
A. three
B. four
C. five







(31) 观音菩萨的净瓶 Guanyin's Vase

(32)白骨精 Lady Whitebone
(33)八戒打瞌睡 Bajie Takes a Nap
(34)公主的骗局 Tricked by the Princess
(35)拜访国王 A Visit to the King
(36)悟空的骗局 Wukong’s Trick
(37)从天庭逃走的奎木狼 Missing from Heaven
(38)八戒想睡觉 Bajie Wants to Sleep
(39)受伤的和尚 The Injured Monk
(40)魔法净瓶 The Magic Gourd
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