西游记英文版 Journey to the west(44)国王的鬼魂 The King's Ghost

Little Fox出品


Journey to the west




西游记 44:
Journey to the West 44:
The King's Ghost
The man walked into the Tang Monk's room.
"Wh-who are you?" asked the Tang Monk nervously.
"I'm king of the Black Rooster Kingdom," said the man. "My kingdom suffered a horrible drought five years ago.
“你……你……你是谁?” 唐僧紧张地问道。
“我是乌鸡国的国王。” 男人说,“五年前,我的国家遭遇了一场可怕的旱灾。
Crops wouldn't grow, and my people were starving. One day a Daoist arrived in the kingdom. He said he had great powers and could pray for rain."
"Did the Daoist's prayers bring rain?" asked the Tang Monk.
“那道士求来雨了吗?” 唐僧问。
The king nodded. "It rained for days, and our crops began to grow."
"Wonderful!" said the Tang Monk with a smile. But then his smile faded. "I'm confused. Why do you need my help?"
“很好啊!” 唐僧笑着说。但是,他的笑容又马上消失了。“我不太明白。你为什么让我帮你呢?”
The king took a deep breath. "After the Daoist brought the rain, we became close friends. One day we were walking when I noticed a strange light coming from my well. I went to the well and looked in. Suddenly I felt someone push me in.
It was the Daoist! He had made the light with magic so he could trick me. I fell deep into the water, and he sealed the well shut."
The king was in tears as he continued to speak. "My body is still down there. I'm just a . . . ghost."
"That's horrible!" said the Tang Monk. "Your guards punished the Daoist, right?"
The king shook his head. "The Daoist made himself look like me, and now everyone thinks he's the real king."
“太可怕了!” 唐僧说,“您的护卫一定惩罚了那个道士吧?”
The king paused. "I've been in the Land of Darkness ever since. Tonight a spirit brought me to see you. He said you can help me."
"How can I help you?" asked the Tang Monk. "I'm just a monk."
“我怎么才能帮你呢?” 唐僧问,“我只是个和尚。”
"Yes, but Sun Wukong is with you," said the king. "Sun Wukong is very powerful. He can destroy the Daoist!"
The Tang Monk hesitated. "Wukong can't charge into the palace and attack the Daoist. People will think Wukong is a demon and attacking the king for no reason."
“是的,但孙悟空也和你一起来了。” 国王说,“孙悟空很厉害。他可以打败那个道士!”
"My son, the prince, can bring all of you into the palace," said the king. "Then Sun Wukong can fight the Daoist in private."
"Where can we find the prince?" asked the monk.
“我的儿子,也就是王子。他可以把你们带进宫去。” 国王说,“那时,孙悟空就可以暗中打那个道士了。”
“我们要去哪里找王子呢?” 唐僧问。
"He will be out hunting tomorrow," said the king. "Tell him everything I told you."
"But he won't believe us," said the monk. "He thinks that Daoist is his father."
“他明天会出宫打猎。” 国王说,“你把我说的一切告诉他就行了。”
“他不会相信我们的。” 唐僧说,“他以为那道士是他父亲。”
"Show him this." The king held up a jade coin. "This is the one royal treasure I still have. When my son sees it, he'll know you're telling the truth."
Suddenly the king looked at the door. "The spirit is calling me. I must go." The king vanished.
“给他看这个。” 国王拿出了一块玉。“这是我唯一的的皇家珍宝。我的儿子一看到它,就会知道你们说的是真的。”
突然,国王看了一下门。“那神仙在叫我。我得走了。” 国王消失了。
The Tang Monk called to his followers, who rushed into the room. The monk told them everything that the king had said.
"He showed me a jade coin," said the monk. He looked around. "I don't know where it is now though."
“他给我看了一块玉。” 唐僧说。他四处看了看。“我不知道现在那块玉在哪里。”
"It was just a dream," said Wukong.
"No, it wasn't a dream," said the monk, still looking around. He went outside, and the others followed. "There it is!"
A jade coin lay on the ground by the door.
“那只是一个梦而已。” 悟空说。
“不,那不是梦。” 唐僧边说边在房间里到处找。他走出了房间。其他人也跟着他走了出去。“在那里!”
The next morning the prince went out hunting. He saw a white rabbit and shot an arrow. He missed and the rabbit ran. The prince chased the rabbit as it ran into a monastery.
Inside, the prince saw a monk, a pig, and a purple spirit.
Then the rabbit turned into a monkey.
"What's going on here?" cried the prince.
The monk stepped forward. "Don't be scared, Prince. We must tell you something."
“这到底是怎么回事?” 王子大声说道。
1. suffer 受痛苦, 感到痛苦(或苦恼)
My kingdom suffered a horrible drought five years ago.
2. horrible 可怕的, 让⼈讨厌的 (=terrible)
My kingdom suffered a horrible drought five years ago.
3. drought ⼲旱
My kingdom suffered a horrible drought five years ago.
4. crop 作物, 庄稼
It rained for days, and our crops began to grow.
5. starve 挨饿
Crops wouldn't grow, and my people were starving.
6. pray 祈祷
He said he had great powers and could pray for rain.
7. prayer 祷告
Did the Daoist's prayers bring rain?
8. for days ⼏天之间
It rained for days, and our crops began to grow.
9. fade 1. 逐渐消失, 逐渐变弱, (2. (颜⾊)退⾊, 褪去)
But then his smile faded.
10. well
One day we were walking when I noticed a strange light coming from my well.
11. seal 1. 封, 密封, (2. 海豹)
I fell deep into the water, and he sealed the well shut.
12. hesitate 犹豫, 踌躇
The Tang Monk hesitated.
13. charge 突击, 进攻
Wukong can't charge into the palace and attack the Daoist.
14. for no reason 有理由
People will think the monkey is evil, attacking a king for no reason.

15. private 1. 私⼈的, 秘密的, (2. 幽静的, 隐蔽的)
Then Sun Wukong can fight the Daoist in private.

16. in private 私下地
Then Sun Wukong can fight the Daoist in private.
17. jade ⽟, 翡翠(宝⽯名)
The king held up a jade coin.
18. royal 王的, 王室的
This is the one royal treasure I still have.
19. treasure 珍品, 珍宝
This is the one royal treasure I still have.
20. truth 真相, 事实
When my son sees it, he'll know you're telling the truth.
21. lay 躺 (lie-lay)
A jade coin lay on the ground by the door.
22. hunt 狩猎
He will be out hunting tomorrow.
23. arrow
He saw a white rabbit and shot an arrow.

1. Which is NOT true?
A. The prince was trapped in a well.
B. The king's ghost came to see the Tang Monk.
C. The Black Rooster Kingdom suffered a drought.

2. Where did the Daoist seal the king?
A. in a well
B. in a lake
C. in the palace

3. How did the Daoist disguise himself?
A. as the king
B. as a monk
C. as Wukong

4. What did the king leave for the Tang Monk?
A. a jade coin
B. an arrow
C. a rooster

5. What did the prince chase?
A. a rabbit
B. a rooster
C. a coin



(36)悟空的骗局 Wukong’s Trick
(37)从天庭逃走的奎木狼 Missing from Heaven
(38)八戒想睡觉 Bajie Wants to Sleep
(39)受伤的和尚 The Injured Monk
(40)魔法净瓶 The Magic Gourd
(41)交易 A Trade

(42)孙空悟 Sun Kongwu

(43)太上老君来访 A Visit from Laozi

(44)国王的鬼魂 The King's Ghost

(45)井里的“宝藏” The Treasure in the Well

(46)一千颗药丸 One Thousand Pills

(47)两个唐僧 Two Tang Monks

(48)受伤的男孩儿 The Injured Boy

(49)红孩儿 Red Boy

(50)三昧真火 Magic Fire

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牛津阅读树丨 图书馆 丨 传统故事
牛津拼读世界  丨 棒棒英语
淘气包亨利 丨 大侦探内特 丨神奇树屋 丨 罗尔德·达尔系列
老鼠记者 丨 内裤超人 丨 疯狂学校
I Can Read:
饼干狗 丨 皮特猫 丨 糊涂女佣


